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We are now offering stretcher transport with our non-emergency transport services!

Written by Express Transportation LLC | Sep 25, 2023 12:49:49 PM

We take great pride in the exceptional services that we provide. Recently, we have added stretcher transport to our services as well. If you are non-ambulatory, we are now able to transport you safely and securely with our stretcher transportation services. Learn more about how this may be able to help you get to and from your next doctor’s appointment!

We Offer Non-Emergency Transport To Individuals in Wheelchairs and Non-Ambulatory Clients
We understand that you may be used to having your family members and friends take you to and from your appointments. If you use a wheelchair to get around, or you are otherwise unable to ambulate, your family members and friends may not be able to transport you safely.

That is where we can provide assistance. Now, we provide stretcher transport, allowing us to provide non-emergency transportation services to those who use wheelchairs or are otherwise unable to ambulate. We have the equipment, training, and expertise to make sure that you are able to safely and efficiently get to and from your doctor’s appointment even if you require a stretcher. Count on our friendly professionals to help you.

Book Your Stretcher Transport in Advance
If you believe that you are going to require a stretcher transport to get to and from your doctor’s appointment, we recommend that you book this appointment as early as possible. All stretcher transport has to be booked at least one week in advance. That way, you can guarantee that you have a spot. If you require stretcher transport, then call us in advance, we can hold your thought for you. That way, on the day of your appointment, you know that you have a safe, secure, and reliable ride to get you to and from your appointment.

Our Scheduling Is Handled the Same as Our Wheelchair Service
If you are used to our wheelchair service, then you are familiar with how we are going to schedule stretcher transport as well. We have tried to make this process as easy for you as possible. That is why all of our scheduling is handled in the same manner as our wheelchair transport service. In the event that you need to change your plans, please let us know as early as possible. We experienced a lot of demand for our services, and we want to make sure that every client who requires assistance with a stretcher or wheelchair is able to access our professionals. Count on us to help you.

Contact Us Today for Our Non-Emergency Stretcher Transport Services!
If you have trouble ambulating, we are able to assist you when it comes to non-emergency transport. Our professionals are trained to handle stretcher transport services with the same care, compassion, and level of expertise as our traditional transport services. We would love to assist you as well. If you are looking for friendly, experienced professionals to help you get to and from your next doctor’s appointment, rely on our non-emergency transport services. Contact us today to speak with a helpful member of our team!